Apparently the repairmen at E-Machines prefer to tick off their customers rather than do the work right the first time. Our computer hasn't been "right" snce we got it back. #1, no speakers! #2, a fan that sounds like a jet engine #3, all kinds of gobbledegook software running at the same time slowing down the processor (no it's not a virus or anything)#4, programs not integrated to work together. We were told that we need to create a restore disk but the &*(%^%* computer isn't "seeing" the cd burner. Sound lovely? It isn't AND I need to return the computer to them. So that means another 2 weeks with no computer....while I'm on spring break!!!! UURRGGHH!!!
On the plus side, we had a wonderful weekend. DH is in the midst of a killer schedule of travel.

This is all I've seen of him the last few weeks and all I will see in the next few weeks to come.....his backside dragging a suitcase behind him! (This time though I convinced him to buy a new shirt outside his comfort level, hence the orange shirt!) We needed to accomplish a bunch in a small amount of time. We pulled weeds, whoo hoo huh!, did yard work and went to the movies. For the rest of the weekend, we ate! and ate! and ate! DH made the best BBQ sauce last weekend. Saturday he made bbq'd hot dogs on the grill. Today I made a mountain of hamantashen (more to follow) and he made ribs on the grill. He also cooked a package of fajita chicken so I have something to eat this week. He said it looked like a chinese buffet in here today and he was right. We never really ate dinner, we just nibbled on a bit of chicken as he cut it, a bit of rib meat, mock potato salad and lots and lots of hamantashen. Killed the diet but it was worth it. I'll go back tomorrow.

This is my mountain of hamantashen. They are three cornered cookies made for the holiday of Purim. They are filled with apricot, poppyseed or prune filling. I needed to make a ton because tomorrow my class will be distributing
Mishloach Manot baskets to the other classrooms. I will also send a basket home with each of my children. Once I fill the baskets, send some to Ms. A and my dad and we eat our fill today, they will be outa here.
Well, thats it! No more pictures until I get my computer back. I'll check in time to time as before and I'll try to get time to post comments but it is hard when I am using the computers at work. Plus next week I won't even be at work! Get lots quilty done. I'll post pictures of my brothers birthday banner after I get back.
Sorry about your computer troubles. Sounds like they didn't really do anything. Look at it this way though.... you will have lots of stuff to blog about when you get your computer back. :c)
The tea towels are great. Those would be neat gifts.
It's a shame your computer is having a hard time. I am so blessed to have computer "nerds" in the family so they come to me instead of having to take the 'puter somewhere. Wish I could send my son to help you! Good luck.
I love those cookies - I had no idea that is what they were called. We have a bagel shop here in Vancouver that sell them. They also have rolled ones and have a whole bunch of different fillings as well. My favorite is the apricot, no maybe the poppyseed ... but the prune as so good :)) They are ALL good.
Those just look yummy...think I'd give up on the diet too for all those goodies.
Sorry about your computer troubles. You would think they would test it before returning it to you. Your cookies look delicious!
Computers! My old one did exactly what yours has done. Had to be completely overhauled. You are making me feel hungry.
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