Thursday, October 18, 2007

My toe and Dr. WhoGivesAWhoot

So my toe isn't broken. No thanks to my dear doctor, I found out yesterday. Yes, you read that correctly, yesterday. Nearly one week after having the x-ray. URGH! I've had no less then 4 primary physicians since moving here. I am at my wits end with this. I NEED a regular doctor because I visit many "ologists." You know rhuematologist, endocrinologist ect. So, here is my story. ....

I called Dr. Whogivesawhoot last Thursday at 8:31 a.m. and asked the receptionist if the Dr. needed to see me or would call in an x-ray. Since my phone remained silent all morning, at 11:50 I called back for an answer. I was told "He's been with patients all morning so I don't know." Hmmmm, I worked for a doctor for many years. How long does it take to ask the question??? However she told me to go to the radiologists after lunch and they would fax the orders. I arrived at the radiologists at 1:05, having waited the requisite hour. After one more hour of sitting, the radioloogy receptionist apologized for the wait but they hadn't recieved the orders yet. She seemed as confused as I about the delay. I finished with my x-ray at 2:30 and was told the Dr. would have the results at the end of the day. When I didn't receive a call, I just figured they didn't get the results in time. Friday, at 4:30 in the afternoon, I called there. It's not a very difficult question. Is my toe broken. I was told she "didn't know if the results came yet but the Dr. makes calls after 5:00." No return call on Friday, or Mon or Tues. Yesterday I called there and asked in my not so nice voice how difficult it was to let me know if my toe was broken. Naturally, she couldn't do anything but listen because the doctor returns calls after 5. Well, at 3, (my not so nice voice must have paid off) Dr. Whogivesawhoot called. No he told me, my toe is not broken. They have however discovered that I either have gout or a crippling type of arthritis. ARTHRITIS!! GOUT!! This ^*)(*%&@** man felt he was ACTUALLY INFORMING ME OF SOMETHING! Could it be rhuematoid arthritis I asked? "Well, perhaps.... " By this point it was all I could do to not shout into the phone. "I've had RA since I was 16 years old!" "Well, I suppose it could be RA," he finally conceeded. Now I know NOTHING about xrays, but my toes are all crookedy and curved funny. I have no idea if gout and RA look the same but I would imagine similar! Besides, it's my little toe not the big one that was in trouble. (the big toe is usually affected with gout). I digress though. The point is... MY DOCTOR, THE ONE I'VE BEEN GOING TO FOR TWO YEARS, AS HAS MY HUSBAND, HAD NO IDEA THAT HE WAS TALKING TO A PATIENT WITH RA! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to scream at him. DH thinks it's hilarious! It's like diagnoising me with curly hair....WELL DUUUHHH!! This man is very busy too. I just am flabbergasted. On the plus side, the toe seems to be healing and feeling better.

I'm looking forward to wearing heels again, looking for a new doctor and fuming. DH just can't stop chuckling........


Sweet P said...

Some doctors just don't get it. I would say find a primary care physician who is good with bedside manners and returns phone calls. I'd recommend mine, but I think New Hampshire is too fay away for you.

Laurie Ann said...

Yes, sounds like a new Dr is on the agenda, ASAP!

margil said...

My friend, I can highly recommend Dr. David Vanderheiden, who is an Osteopath instead of a MD. He is at Coastal Bend Family Medicine, which is behind Spohn South. My hubby and I think he is the best (and we're both nurses!)


atet said...

Oh yeah, a new Dr. sounds like a plan. I love it when they don't bother to look at your charts -- and also, don't listen. Don't get me started on the &%#)(&@$ Dr. who ordered a nuclear medicine test for me KNOWING I was still breast feeding. Oh yeah -- that was a fun time down in the lab, ready to inject me when they informed me that I would have to wean my daughter that moment? NOT. Luckily the lab techs were more compassionate than my Dr. UGH.

Congrats on the weight loss goals getting met!!! Wooo hooo!

Susan said...

He sounds like a total dork. Too many patients and doesn't read the charts! Good luck with finding a caring physician who at least checks the chart before chatting with you!


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