Wednesday, June 29, 2011

State of my backside

Oh how I wish my daughters and their spouses were slugs! Instead they are driven, determined young people.

I have be fiddle faddling around with the same 10 lbs for a year now. It is annoying and I've been looking for inspiration....ANYWHERE!! S0, we all made goals for the month of June. This was all my stupid idea. I said that I wanted to lose 10 lbs for the umpteenth time. Serena and Chris-A made goals too. Aviva and Chris-S didn't. Serena held to hers and about 10 days ago asked us how we were doing. WHOOPS! I had forgotten about it!!

After discussion, Chris-A and I made a deal for our goals....little did I know he planned on sticking to it!! LOL!! He is giving me a run for my money! But....if all goes well over the next two days, I will have attained my goal!! WHOOHOO! (don't get too excited as I had gained that 10 lbs).

For July it seems we all have goals, DH not included as he is healing! My goal is 4 days a week at the gym.....Chris-A dittoed my muscles already hurt! Aviva has a gym goal, Serena and Chris-S have the same goal.

The way I see it the month of June goes to Serena for inspiring us...uhm and making us feel bad that we weren't working towards our goals. I am hoping that the month of July will go to me and that Chris-A will poop out with the gym! It's not easy for me to go toe to toe with him...he's almost half my age!

The unknowns here though are the rest of the family....they may just surprise us and be the winners! Any way you look at it we will (hopefully) all be winners by the end of July.

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